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Let's read! -il. Laura Wennstrom- |
També en anglès hi ha poemes infantils i cançons sobre els llibres i la lectura. Així, hui anem a practicar el nostre anglès al ritme de la lectura amb els poemes que hem trobat a la web CanTeach; books and reading (podem trobar-hi al mateix lloc web molts més poemes, seleccionats per temes, per exemple els de la tardor / otoño / autumn)
Let's read
(autor desconegut)
The more you read,
the more you know.
The more you know,
the smarter you grow.
The smarter you grow,
the stronger your voice.
When speaking your mind
or making your choice.
Look in a Book
Look in a Book
(Ivy O. Eastwick)
in a book
and you will see
and magic
and mystery.
in a book
and you will find
and nonsense
of every kind.
in a book
and you will know
the things
that can help you grow.
(autor desconegut)
I like books
I really do -
Books with stories
And pictures, too.
Books of birds
And things that grow
Books of people
We should know.
Books of animals
And places, too,
I like books
I really do!
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