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Adivinanzas en la casa de los monstruos -il. Toru Fukuda- |
Qualsevol moment és fantàstic per fer festa i jugar amb la poesia. Halloween és una festa que res té a veure amb les nostres tradicions, però sabem que cada vegada més ha anat colant-se per les aules, així que hem fet una tria d'endevinalles amb els personatges més populars i monstruosos de Halloween.
Voy de pasillo en pasillo,
atravesando paredes,
vestido únicamente
con sábanas o manteles.
Es una hortaliza naranja y sabrosa
que en Halloween viste tenebrosa.
Duermo del revés,
vuelo a raudales,
y en mi nombre
lees todas las vocales.
Nunca bebe limonada,
sino una bebida roja.
La luz no le gusta nada
y el ajo le da congoja.
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Juegan los monstruos con las adivinanzas -il. Jan Dolby- |
Entre pócimas y ungüentos,
y algún que otro maleficio,
ser la mala de los cuentos
ha sido siempre su oficio.
Voy atornillado
de la cabeza a los pies.
Me llaman Franky
y no soy punky.
Viven en el cementerio,
son flacos y patitiesos.
El perro del tío Quiterio
está loco por sus huesos.
Es un esqueleto,
aunque no loves,
porque va vendada
del derecho y del revés
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Una calabaza llena de caramelos y adivinanzas -il.Silvia Cheung- |
Mi avión es una escoba,
negra y fea me verán,
persigo siempre a la hadas
que al verme se espantaran.
En tu cama no me meto
a menos que me haya muerto,
que no podre dormir
y me tendre que estar quieto.
En la noche ves mi vuelo
No tengo plumas sino pelo
En mi boca tengo colmillos
para morder a niños pillos
mi primo es el ratón
y en Halloween asusto un montón.
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Halloween ridles -il. Chris Dickanson- |
Com que, a més, Halloween és una festa molt anglosaxona podem aprofitar per a practicar el nostre anglès, amb humor, amb aquestes tontes endevinalles:
- Why didn't the skeleton go to see a scary movie? He didn't have the guts.
- Where does Count Dracula usually eat his lunch? At the casketeria.
- Why was the mummy so tense? Because he was all wound up.
- Why didn't the skeleton dance at the party? A. He had no body to dance with.
- What's a Vampire's least favorite song? Another one bites the dust!
- What do you call a witch who likes the beach but is scared of the water? A chicken sand witch.
- What does a ghost call his mom and dad? His transparents.
- What did the skeleton order with his drink? A mop.
- Why didn't the skeleton marry his girlfriend? Because he didn't have the guts to.
- Why did the mummy get a headache? Because he was GOBLIN his candy!
- What did the witch say when she fell in the moat? My eels are killing me!
- What do you call candy corn? Pumpkin poop!
- What do you get when you cross a vampire with a mummy? Either a flying bandage or a gift wrapped bat!
- What did one vampire say to the other? Fangs aren’t what they used to be!
- What do you call a vampire that’s always feeling peckish? Snackula!
- When do werewolves go trick or treating? Howl-oween!
- What should a short-sighted ghost have? Spooktacles!
- What did one ghost say to the other ghost? Do you believe in people?
- What are ghosts' favorite kind of streets? Dead ends
- What tops off a ghost’s ice cream sundae? Whipped scream.
- What is a vampires favorite holiday? Fangsgiving
- Knock, knock! Who's there? BooBoo who? Oh, I'm sorry....I didn't mean to make you cry!
- Knock, knock! Who's there? Olive Olive who? Olive Halloween!
- Knock, knock! Who's there? Witch. Witch who? Witch one of you can fix my broomstick?
- Knock, Knock! Who's there? Ivana. Ivana Who? Ivana suck your blood!
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Bienvenidos a la fiesta del terror! -il. Chris Dickanson- |
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